1) Download the isos for the specific version from https://rhn.redhat.com/rhn/software/downloads/SupportedISOs.do using the rhn login.
2) Mount the CDs/DVD and copy the rpm packages in the RPMS folder in it to a particular folder like say /var/spool/RPMS/.
3) Open the file /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources and comment the line
#up2date default
Modify the line beginning ”# dir my-favorite-rpms ”
dir UPDATE-RPMS /var/spool/RPMS/
Save the file and exit.
4) Run the following command
[root@rhel ~]# up2date --configure
0. adminAddress ['root@localhost', '']
1. debug No
19. pkgSkipList ['kernel*', '']
20. pkgsToInstallNotUp ['kernel', 'kernel-modules', 'kernel-devel', '']
Enter number of item to edit:
Edit the pkgSkipList to include the kernel rpms for update.
5) Make sure the server is backed up in the current state ( A lot of softwares might not work after the update or might face reconfiguration etc, especially third party softwares ). Then run the command
[root@rhel ~]# up2date -u
If all goes well the system will update to the version of the dvd we have put in the /var/spool/RPMS folder.
6) Reboot the server for the new kernel to be loaded. To verify the update, run
[root@rhel ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release