Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Xen configuration

For those who have trouble on installing a CentOS VM on xen on Debian or Ubuntu , this page has a few helpful hints

Friday, August 04, 2006

Xen and virtualization

I have been working on Xen and virtualization for some time now and its been really impressive. Although it was a bit tough to get started and the concepts really took some time to get into my head , now it looks fine . I have got an FC3 xen kernel as a Guest OS (DomU) on an FC5 xen kernel. Things were pretty straight forward in FC5 . The networking and virtual disk concepts are a bit complicated for a starter , but finally what you get is an impressively efficient virtual OS running on top of your Host OS and you can hardly notice the performance difference.Nice work from Cambridge University. I'd certainly like to go deeper into the technology.

By the way I recently came across a good pasting site that you can use to paste large text that you would want to avoid directly pasting on a yahoo chat or IRC forum. http://rafb.net/paste/