Thursday, May 04, 2006

Some M$ stuff

I am not suppose to be posting Redmond stuff here, but I feel this might be helpful to those *nix users who are used to configuring everything from the command line when they are forced to do something on a M$ system
To use a command line to set IP address information on a Windows NIC :-
Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP provide the Netsh utility, which, among its many capabilities, can configure the IP properties of NICs. To set a static IP address, use this format:
netsh interface ip set address local static
as in the following example:
netsh interface ip set address local static 1
(Some command lines wrap to two lines here because of space constraints.)
To set a client's NIC DNS settings, run this command:
netsh interface ip set dns local static primary
To set a client back to DHCP, run these commands:
netsh interface ip set address local source=dhcp
netsh interface ip set dns local source=dhcp

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